Thursday, 31 March 2011

31.3.11 Bye bye March...

So the sun seems to have deserted us all over again and been replaced by gale force winds which snapped a whole bunch of my daffodils :( . So I brought them indoors :). Yes having daffodils in my room is literally the highlight of my day. Damn all this uni work... ROLL ON SUMMER!

“Maybe when I leave I’ll live a life less empty”

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

30.3.11 There's a mouse in me bedroom...

Soooo... what I initially thought was a tarantula darting around the floors has turned out to be a mouse. My landlord wants me to poison it but I discovered a far better alternative and devised my very own home-made mouse trap out of a speakers box, baking tray, kebab sticks and some feta cheese...
Just gotta wait for it to come scuttling back out from behind the wall now. Then I can call it Socks and train it as a circus mouse :)
The things we'll to to procrastinate when dissertations have to be written...!

“We are all just prisoners here, of our own device”

29.3.11 Deadlines are creeping up on us...

Far more productive today; got everything but my final discussion in the bag. Chris was less successful which is why he is still sat at his laptop even when I was curled up in his bed watching a film and eating sweet and sour prawn balls. Bad luck Chris ;)

“If there’s trouble, all us freaks have… is each other”

28.3.11 Double hangovers are so not the one

Hideously unproductive day! Managed to watch 3 standup DVD's and do no dissertation. Apparently it's time to accept that I don't recover as quickly from a heavy weekend as I used to. As a result, here's me cuddled up in bed with my Koalas!! #gettingold

“You continue to walk on the edge of the precipice because over the years you have become fascinated by how close you can walk without losing your balance”

27.3.11 VARSITY!

My sister's cheerleading team the Southampton Vixens practice for their performance at Varsity despite their hangovers (hence the dressing gown!) where they manage to impress everyone. Again.

"Not every girl can be a cheerleader,

it takes a special kind,

Cheerleaders are full of life,

and a little bit out of their mind."

26.3.11 Happy 21st Birthday Chiara ♥

I went down to Southampton today for my sister's 21st. Here she is posing with her EPIC angry birds cake! It was lovely to be there to celebrate with her and it was a fun night - I even had time for a little nap in the conveniently placed sofa in Sobar ;)

"While we were born sisters, we grew up to be friends"
~ Catherine Pulsifer

Friday, 25 March 2011

25.3.11 Life is like a chocs of boxettes ♥

All feeling a little worse for wear but nothing a quick albert road lunch with Vicky and a trip to the beach couldn't fix :P. Here's my sister and her boyfriend relaxing on the... pebbles.

“We are the young

We are the free

We are the children of excess

We hold the world in our hands

The future is ours...

Let's fucking indulge ourselves”

24.3.11 It's only Mickey Flanagan... it's not like it's Boyzone!

Chiara came down to stay today and after an afternoon in town with nachos and cheeky vodkas her and Jack went to see Mickey Flanagan before we all went out for an awesome night in Liquid. Lots of vodka, lots of dancing and lots of laughing.

“I left my head and my heart on the dancefloor”

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

23.3.13 He loves me, He loves me not ♥

Beautiful sunny day. After a fairly productive morning starting my diss write up, I went with the boys down to the common. They played football while I made daisy chains :p x

We the people fight for our existence, 
we don't claim to be perfect, 
but we're free ♥

22.3.11 Football Squirrell

Nice day at work, walking around in the sun and then sitting and chilling at the Lodge watching the birds and the squirrels. This little squirrel seems to want to score a goal!!

“Only after the last tree has been cut down,
 only after the last river has been poisoned, 
only after the last fish has been caught, 
only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten”

21.3.13 No matter how long the winter... Spring is sure to follow

My daffodils are coming out :D Nothing shouts spring like a garden full of yellow flowers and nothing makes me feel happier and more at peace than a sunny spring day ♥

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils

Monday, 21 March 2011

20.3.11 All around me are familiar faces

Reading my magazine on the cross trainer when I spot a familiar face... the girl next to me must of thought I was pretty heartless when I burst out laughing!!

We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?
-Alice in Wonderland

19.3.11 You spin me right round baby round round

Paulton's Park with work today, sometimes I love my job :p. Here I am on the 'Edge' ride. I also got to drive a GoKart and ride the 'Cobra' and the 'Jumping Bean'. Was so lovely with the sun out
"Live it, gotta go with it, cos this ride is never gonna stop"

18.3.11 Make it a duvet day ♥

After a big St. Paddy's celebration, we ended up spending the whole of Friday in bed playing jailbreak and watching comic relief. This picture of my housemate Chris may explain why :p

“Odds of being killed by falling out of bed - 1 in 2 million”

Friday, 18 March 2011

17.3.11 Happy St. Patrick's Day ♥

Lovely night out in Liquid with my wonderful housies to mark St. Paddy's day (any excuse). Boys, I adore you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much :)

"St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time -
a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic."
~Adrienne Cook

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

16.3.11 Party planning...

Lovely day; had my appointment in the morning and am finally on my way to getting my operation. So looking forward to it as once my legs are fixed I can start running properly again :D. Then went to look at the golf club where we are organising to have Poppie's 80th birthday lunch. It looks beautiful and I'm really looking forward to getting the whole family together (including my cousins who are amongst my favourite people in the world and who I don't see nearly enough of!). Whilst we were there we saw people sailing model boats on the lake and I couldn't resist a picture :)

“Pooh?" asked Piglet,"You have a lot of friends, don't you?"
"Yes," said Pooh, "but only one Piglet."

15.3.11 Flying visit ♥

Went home for the night as I have a leg appointment in the morning. Was lovely to get away for a bit even if it was for less than 24 hours.

“I'm heading out tonight; 
travelling light, 
I'm gonna start all over again 
and buy a one way ticket on a west bound train”

Monday, 14 March 2011

14.3.11 Mr photographer, I think I'm ready for my close up...

Sorted out bank stuff, returned a (very) overdue library book, went to the gym, bought a watermelon. Very productive day :). Also accidentally ended up on TV when sat having a coffee at Cafe P.

“Go for long walks,

indulge in hot baths,

question your assumptions,

be kind to yourself,

live for the moment,

loosen up,


curse the world,

count your blessings,

just let go...

just be”

Sunday, 13 March 2011

13.3.11 BRING IT

Dealing with a nightmare housemate after a long weekend at work. SO not the one.
Bring it on love. Or even better... just bugger off. No one wants you here

I’m busy, you’re ugly, have a nice day

12.3.11 Coffee makes my world go round

4 hours into my shift... 20 hours left to go... coffee. black. no sugar. Just how God intended ♥

"Behind every successful woman..
.is a substantial amount of coffee."
~ Stephanie Piro

Saturday, 12 March 2011

11.3.11 Roses are red ♥

Roses to cheer you up on a dull day :)

“Wasn’t it beautiful...

when you believed in everything”

Friday, 11 March 2011

10.3.11 Koalas and relaxation ♥

After a difficult meeting with my diss supervisor and a tough gym session, I was very very pleased to be curled up in bed with my koala bears and gossip girl :)

"Go to sleep and close your eyes
and dream of broken butterflies"

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

9.3.11 Final Countdown...

Hours spent trawling through stats books and notes with only a break to go to tesco to stock up on fruit and I still have no clue what I'm doing. When will this be over?!

"Ci sono momenti in cui chiudi gli occhi e tutto sembra crollarti addosso...

poi li riapri e vedi che ogni cosa intorno e te è al proprio posto...

è li che ti rendi conto che non e cio che ti circonda a crollare...

ma tu stesso"

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

8.3.11 Happy Pancake Day ♥

I adore my boys ♥

Mix a pancake, stir a pancake,
Put it in the pan
Cook a pancake, toss a pancake,
Catch it if you can!

7.3.11 Through the wardrobe to Narnia

When everything seems a little bit scary outside, I love curling up in my room with my candles lit. Even if it is to do dissertation work

"With the lights out
it's a little less dangerous"