Sunday, 17 April 2011

14.4.11 Why can't we make this darkess feel like home...

Pretty dull today really. Should have been getting on with some work but got distracted by applying for every job vacancy in Hampshire (and a couple in Essex...!) Went out to the gym with Mum and Leslie... came home... went to bed. It's a Rock 'n' Roll life I lead. This is the nighttime view out of my window. It's a pretty good assessment of everything at the moment.

"Does this darkness have a name?

This cruelty, this hatred. How did it find me?

Did it steal into my life or did I seek it out and embrace it?

What happened to me? When did I lose my way?

Consumed by the shadows, swallowed whole by the darkness.

Does this darkness have a name?

Is it your name?"

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