Monday, 16 May 2011

8.5.11 Vixen's farewell performance & just a bit of carnage...

Went to Southampton to watch the Vixens perform together for the very last time and they were amazing as always although it was quite sad. In the evening Jack and Sam came down for the final carnage which was also a little emotional. Carnage was the first thing the 5 of us did as a house when we moved in and the last thing we will do as a 5 before Chris leaves for good. Was a good night though, tanning Sam and Jack (baywatch theme), cheap champagne and shots in Pure, Rihanna lyrics in Fuzzy Duck, scamming drinks off a random in Drift (was Drift even on the Tshirt?!), meeting lots of lovely new people in Liquid; Malawi Paul, Random Jack, Horny Sam and his confused housemate Tim ("How are you... and WHO are you??"), James Watson Jonny, and I'm sure others that I don't remember. Thats the thing about carnage, if you lose people, it's impossible to find them because EVERYONE is wearing the same thing, so you just end up talking to whoever is closest. At the end of the night we all somehow ended up sneaking into James Watson (and knocking on my old flat door although luckily no one answered!) where Sam and Jack ended up spending the night whilst me, Mo, Chris and Dave who seemed to have ended up with us by this point tried to navigate a taxi back to our house. All in all, lots of fun and carnage definitely lived up to its name!!

“Madness is the gift that has been given to me”

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